Have to admit, it's getting better. Getting better all the time.
Can you think back where you were 10 years ago and at the same time imagine where you'd be 10 years from then?
Back on November 27th, 2009, Josh and I celebrated 10 years of married life. While this is peanuts compared to G-Bob & G-Elaine's 60+, it is definitely a lot of years in our short lives. Every anniversary I reflect on something(s) that for one reason or another has stood out during the last year of our married life. A couple years ago I said I wouldn't barf on you regarding our marriage. With this year's "things" I may barf, but I'll try not to.
Every day this last year, I have looked at my husband in awe of how much my life is blessed through him and his life. Seriously, wow!
I have been truly struck by how everything keeps getting better. And I mean everything. This simply blows my mind, but it is entirely true. I am not saying we or our marriage is perfect, things are definitely screwed up in our world, but our relating to each other and everything else involved keeps getting better.
I am in awe of how much now, more than ever, I pray for my husband. Prayer for him as a person, as a husband, as a dad, in ministry, in work... I mean, I thought I used to pray for him a lot, but this last year, whoa-dawg! I am so thankful to have the Creator of the universe to talk to for and on my husband's behalf.
I am amazed how intricately we understand each other in ways we didn't when we were first married. From the little things of me understanding that Josh never packs his luggage until moments before leaving town to Josh knowing exactly how to respond to me when I am crying. It is more than those examples, of course, it is a deep oneness, being in sync in so many areas, and it is a beautiful thing.
I have also been so thankful for our honesty and openness over the years. While hanging at the bar in the O'hare airport, we met two retired (and drunk) Canadian men (they were starting pint #7). One gent, a retired correctional officer, was in the "I love you, man" phase, not about us, but about his wife of 25 years. She was his third wife and the one he "got it right" with. He said he did one thing different with this wife, his soul mate, he didn't do with the others, he was be totally honest about everything, from his hopes and dreams to the nitty gritty. I am so thankful that: 1 - We did get it right the first time (Thank you, God!) and 2 - We have been honest and open since the start.
Last weekend, we happily told whomever we met, that our cause for celebrating was our 10 year 2 month 9 days of married life. Every time we were met with a "Wow! Really?" (Though my favorite was, "You look too young to be married 10 years." Aw schucks!) But I can't stress enough that this is a drop in the bucket. We are incredibly thankful we have so, SO many awesome examples of our family members and friends who have gone before us, breaking 10, 16, 20, 30, 35, 44, 60+ years. (Not to forget all the great examples coming behind us, too!) True, we are not rare compared to those close to us, but that won't stop us from celebrating!
We are looking forward to the exciting adventure that the next 10+ years hold, the joys and the sorrows, the exciting and the mundane. Marriage is a roller coaster because life is a roller coaster but it is totally worth it hanging on for the bumpy ride firmly committed to the one you love.
Thanks for sharing, Dana! I look back on the wild ride over the last 10 years and am wondering where I go to sign up for 10 more with you! I am thankful that I have a worthy and enchanting companion with which to traverse what is to come. I've met many noble women in my days, but in my world, you surpass them all. I'm looking forward to continuing to unlock just what God had in mind when he brought us together. Thank God!
Congrats on 10 awesome years you two! I am encouraged by your marriage and can't wait till Jonathan and I celebrate ours (only 5 more years! woot-woot!). Glad you had some a great time celebrating in San Fran!
Josh - Thanks, honey! Sarah - We did! What fun you'll get to celebrate your 5 year in Paris! Sweet!