So, how was Jesus received?
I mean, it is a camp that talks about Jesus.
The Thursday night's Evening Program was about Jesus. After the program, we were dismissed into our Discussion Groups and from there we were dismissed into a "Labyrinth." The Labyrinth* was a simple and beautiful candlelit walk around the camp that had 6 or 7 stations set up with messages to read and an action to take or reflection to make.
My job during the Labyrinth was to dismiss the Discussion Groups to the first station. Needless to say, I didn't get to participate in the actual stations. To be honest, even though I had multiple staff describe the stations to me at different points, I was so concerned and in prayer for the students, my memory of all the stations & details is fuzzy. I know I am missing 2 or 3 stations in there. Gack! (Also, since it was at night, I have no pictures to record how amazing it looked with all the candles everywhere. I mean, I tried but my old camera couldn't hack it.)
The Labyrinth was set up so the students had a quiet place to reflect on the things they have heard while at camp. From a station to think about those close to you, to creating with clay sculptures, to a letter to yourself... the station I heard the most comments about was the one where (I think) you dipped your hands into water then sand and then someone else would wash off your hands. A lot of students said that was a very meaningful lesson for them. The final station was a large cross on the grass made out of unlit tea lights. The written message said something to the effect of, if you have chosen to take the step and trust Jesus then to light a candle as a symbol of that commitment.
Most of the students enjoyed the Labyrinth, though honestly there was a very small group of students who didn't (and admittedly, they had been grumpy about everything throughout the week, so it was no surprise). But I do know of several students who lit candles at the end, who previously did not have faith in Jesus. I am very thankful for Leah & the JV/KAM Team being there to follow up those students!
In the end, Josh's class had one guy accept Jesus at camp and a girl make a commitment to reading the Bible. As I said, in my class we had amazing discussions throughout the week. We talked about topics like, "Why did King David's first son with Bathsheba have to die?" or "What will happen if my brother who has cancer and does not accept Jesus, dies?" Every question was very genuine and from the heart, and some of the students were thinking about for the very first time. I am thankful that ultimately it is between them and God but I trust that everything they heard and saw at camp will be for good, and I am continuing to pray for them. "So as the Holy Spirit says, 'Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts against Him.'"
If you have a moment, please continue to pray for all of the JV English Camp students. They are all amazing kids and I pray it was not by chance they all made the time and financial sacrifice to come to English Camp. In the Czech Republic there can be a city of 100,000 people and literally only 1 small chuch, literally. English Camp is often the first time some students hear about Jesus. The Czech Republic is also one of the most atheistic countries in the world and some of the kids have come to camp for years, enjoy the camp, but want nothing to do with God. Pray this would be the year their hearts are softened and they take a step of faith. Pray for God to continue to raise up leaders among them, especially for the men. Please pray for the follow up that Leah and the JV/KAM team will be doing, this summer and the new school year.
The awesome/exciting thing is, God IS on the move!
(*I know there are varying levels/seriousness/goofiness/rituals of Labyrinths. At camp, the Labyrinth concept itself was a tool not a belief structure. Don't read too much into it, :)!)
Again, so wonderful to read, Dana! Way to go, Cramers/Coxes/God for all the work that is being done in Czech!
Josh and Dana!!!Finally finished reading{pictures too}What a wonderful experience for the five of you! Can only imagine the comments and stories the three young ones have to say about it all when we see them. Know they left a memorable mark on all they were in contact with while on your travels. All is well in Mapleton,(except for the very provoking mosquito population after all this rain. Love to all five of you,Grandma E.
Thanks Maren & Grandma! We love you all!!