The ramblings of a woman,
wife, & mother, who loves:
Jesus / my man / the three,
learning about parenting /
mamahood / childbirth,
cooking foods healthy /
international / yummy,
pretending to garden /
write / design,
attempting to run /
exercise / lift weights,
enjoying traveling /
camping / adventures,
finding ways to love /
serve / sacrifice for others.

It is not to say she does these things
with style or grace, or even skill.

Answers to My Questions

May 6, 2009 - 6:00 AM

I am sure no one lost sleep over finding out these answers.  If you really wanted to know, it was easy to Google/Wiki the answers.  But in case you didn't search them out and wondered, even a little, here they are:

"What was the first war radar was used in?"
      World War II

"What 2009 documentary award winner's recipient balanced his award on his nose?"
      Man on Wire

"Name 2 of 3 movies Annette Bening was in where she was a realtor."
      Regarding Henry, American Beauty, What Planet Are You From?

"What other animal can have leprosy besides humans?

"What did the Japanese Finance Minister do at the recent G7 meeting?"
      He was drunk

"What pro-sport did Wilt Chamberlain play after basketball?"

"Do you know who retired at Plum Grove?"
      Robert Lucas

"Who was the first woman to drive in NASCAR?"
      Janet Guthrie

"Name the 3 IC public schools named after women."
      Tate, Lemme, Wickham

"Who signed the letter to FDR regarding the atomic bomb?"
      Albert Einstein

"Who wrote Peter Rabbit?"
      Beatrix Potter

If you think that was fun, why not participate in the next one!  Have laughs and support the work at the Community Mental Health Center.  Next Team Trivia date is June 11!

half of the room

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Begin Our Adventures of Fall/Winter 2012 to CA, MN, CO
   Ladies Trip to Napa Valley
   My Parents Rode in a Plane!

Begin Our Adventures of Summer 2012 to MN and CO
   Vacation to the North Shore and Cabin
   Boulder for the Summer
   Life in Boulder

Begin Our Adventures of Winter/Spring 2012 to UT
   The Drive to CO/UT Begins
   Vacation in Moab
   Living in Moab / Denver

Begin Our Adventures of Fall/Winter 2011 to CA
   The Drive to CA Begins
   Living in the SF
   Living in the Suburbs
   Coming Home to IC

Begin Our Adventures of Summer 2010 to Eastern Europe
   Life at Czech English Camp
   Travels in Germany & Austria
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