Life and Times in 10 Quickies
Mom, "You are such a great artist."
Son, "You're not so bad yourself."
Get Rid of It.
We are on our way to lighten our loads. We have accumulated too much stuff over the years that there was a memorandum issued in our home to dispose of 2 additional garbage bags of stuff to either give away or throw away each week. Oh wo/man, it feels so good. My goal is to only have enough stuff to fit into a trailer home, just cuz. (I am giving myself grace on the furniture, since we could unload that easily when needed.) But everything else is out. Do you need something? Chances are I have it and I can give it to you.
We do not need a pet.
In case you were wondering, our family does not need a pet. I love pet people, don't get me wrong. But I have one child who likes to pee on the floor and it is worse than a dog and I am quite content training her and being done with it. :)!
Still cookin!
I made some Crab Stuffed Twice Baked Potatoes the other day from the Silver Palate. I think next time I will use actual baking potatoes and do a better job of scooping out the potatoes and actually make the special creme stuff and make the correct amount of creme stuff, but otherwise I enjoyed them.
Still in love!
I am blown off my feet by how wonderful a husband God has given me. Wow... what a guy!
Do I work at all?
Someone asked me that the other day... they meant it nice and about architecture specifically since we had gone to school together... but I realized I missed architecture but I missed the studio aspect of it mostly. So the kids and I have been having our own little studio time during the day building things out of cardboard. It is wonderful!
How's school?
Good. Busy. Takes a long time. "But doesn't homeschool only take a couple hours?" Maybe in your world. In ours, it takes all day, which isn't a bad thing either. It actually is nice and there are breaks and stuff throughout the day which is good for the boys and their attention spans. All in all, it is a nice system and we are all learning a lot.
Don't complain!
While putting dishes into the dishwasher a child complains, "Why do I always have to put dishes into the dishwasher?!" A parent responds, "Well, it could be harder, and you'd have to wash them by hand." The other parent adds, "Why not have them do that now?" "Great idea!" Child then has to wash the dishes by hand. Once completed says, "I will never complain about loading the dishwasher again!" Kisses the dishwasher and says, "Thanks for doing all the work!"
Pay attention!
Talking birth shop with a friend, our 2.9 yr old comes up and hands me a piece of candy. I open it and give it back. A moment later, I am approached by her cohort of 3.3 yrs who says nothing but hands me the piece of candy, to which I wise up and say, "You better ask your mom." Note to self - pay more attention to your kids with candy.
Take my stuff please!
Again, do you need anything? I have this tub shower install kit that I can't get rid of. If you come and take it from my house, you can sell it, burn it, trade it whatever! Just take it please?! How about a humidifier? What about...
Wow! Thanks for the update! Lots of great advice!
Are you sure you don't need a tub/shower kit? :)!