The ramblings of a woman,
wife, & mother, who loves:
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serve / sacrifice for others.

It is not to say she does these things
with style or grace, or even skill.

My Juice, My Joost

October 21, 2007 - 3:56 PM

Don't get me wrong... we love media fasts in this house. Almost as much as Josh loves his caffeine fasts. So when Josh was going to be taking our one and only TV for the weekend, I was cool with it really, except for one thing that bummed me out - missing Saturday AM cartoons.

Not that I watch the cartoons, but the kids do, and I have gotten into this habit of making my meals/grocery list while drinking a latte and the kids watching cartoons. (I wasn't planning on this being a discussion about Saturday AM cartoon justification or not, but if you want to go there, you can.)

I was up for it even though nervous, ask Leslie.  I made a plan, we would ride our bikes to the library that morning and all being well. What I didn't plan on was the fact that since Josh was gone, I would not get a decent nights sleep and since Josh was gone, throughout what sleep I did get there were between 1 to 3 kids in bed with me. When morning came, all four of us had a rough night of sleep.

By the time we were done with breakfast, I was tired and the kids were too and all I could think was... Joost.

Joost? I am deciding that it's tag line should be, "The Poor Man's Cable."

It is an online TV player that offers a variety of shows from cartoons to dramas to trash (that you can easily remove). You have to download it to your computer and then you can have National Geographic and GI Joe and CSI at your fingertips, for free. It does have commercials, at strange times, but only one at a time and they are super short, like 10 sec and even still are rare. Bummer is that it plays those commercials at an incredibly loud volume. And, like I mentioned above, it does have some trashy channels that you can erase easily.

It is like cable but I don't know much else. I don't know if they are going to upload new shows weekly or how they will keep it fresh. I suppose I should do some more reading on it as well before I get you to try it. :)! But they do have a lot of big name ads, so they are definitely planning on going somewhere and this is only the beginning. My advice is, research it first to see if you want more info, :)!

As for me, I turned my office into a make-shirt lounge.

Brought in all the pillows from around the house, blankets and stuffed animals... moved my monitor to the floor... got the kids their cappuccinos and turned on some good ole GI Joes as we all snuggled in the pile of comfort. They were in heaven and I got to rest my jaw, get my grocery lists done and finally wake up, :)!

Again, we don't need TV and could do without our Saturday morning cartoon fix... but for all of us, after a long week, it was joost nice to kick back and chill.

Response to My Juice, My Joost

  • Blakely said on October 21, 2007 - 7:11 PM

    Dana, you're so punny!! I'm glad to hear that you found a way to make it through your morning even though you were all tired.

  • Holly said on October 21, 2007 - 9:57 PM

    Sounds like quite an adventure! Way to be creative in order to rest that morning!

  • Dana said on October 21, 2007 - 10:14 PM

    Yes, it was definitely relaxing! We had an early lunch and then ran a huge muck around the city until Josh came home, fun times esp since we were awake for it, :)!

  • Nancy said on October 22, 2007 - 9:35 AM

    We have really enjoyed Joost...Matt and I watched one of those National Geographic episodes where they bring an American family to a 3rd world country...really eye-opening. And free!

  • Dana said on October 22, 2007 - 3:05 PM

    Oh I know! The National geographic specials are what got Josh hooked on Joost a while ago and he and the kids have been watching all these Amazonia/snake episodes, what fun!

  • said on August 10, 2024 - 12:53 AM

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