The ramblings of a woman,
wife, & mother, who loves:
Jesus / my man / the three,
learning about parenting /
mamahood / childbirth,
cooking foods healthy /
international / yummy,
pretending to garden /
write / design,
attempting to run /
exercise / lift weights,
enjoying traveling /
camping / adventures,
finding ways to love /
serve / sacrifice for others.

It is not to say she does these things
with style or grace, or even skill.

Garden Attempts by Novices - Take 3

April 18, 2007 - 11:05 PM

No gardening done today... much disobedience instead.

We did manage to get our pre-frost crop purchased, in both seedling and seed form... though not without causing much of an over-boisterous ruckus at the nursery. (I think that is a total redundant description but I can think of no better way to explain it.)

While we have discussed this before today, our kids learned firsthand the lesson of how our actions can reflect not only ourselves, but can serve as a testimony to Christ, for good or bad. It was a good reminder of how actions, our love for others, our treatment of strangers, reflects what we believe about Christ. Incredibly tough as it were, it was a good character building afternoon for us all.

I did learn a few things about gardening...

  1. Our spring frost date here in IC is theoretically May 15th though most people use May 10th.

  2. Asparagus take 3 years to grow and as such can't be grown in our rented land.

  3. But if we could plant asparagus, we'd plant it like our leeks. If we have an in-yard garden some year we'll know what to do.

  4. They don't recommend planting parsley yet, not until after the spring frost.

  5. There are a ba-zillion types of lettuce! I know in the store there are a lot of varieties, but in seed form there are 3 times as many! How to choose!

  6. Celery can be grown, but is an after frost seed as well.

  7. Buying onion sets from a bulk container are cheaper than a pre-bagged set. But we now have hundreds of onions an if any grow you are welcome to the harvest!

  8. You can soak pea seeds in warm water for 2 hours before planting to promote quicker growth.

Tomorrow, we plant. Here's praying they take!

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Begin Our Adventures of Fall/Winter 2012 to CA, MN, CO
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   My Parents Rode in a Plane!

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   The Drive to CO/UT Begins
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   Living in Moab / Denver

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   The Drive to CA Begins
   Living in the SF
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