Mama's Pinch Hitter Scores Big!
I have been sick since Monday and in my inability to stand Josh has been making all the meals in our house. This is Ezekiel talking about Dad's cooking...
Ezekiel, "Mom! Do you know what Dad made us last night for dinner?"
Mom, "What?"
Ezekiel, "Spaghetti! It was the best spaghetti I have ever had! It was so good! Dad is the best cook! I had no idea he could make spaghetti so good! I mean, I love his pizza and think his pizza is the best! And now he can make spaghetti too? Anything he makes is the best! I love pizza and his is the best. Now his spaghetti is the best! OH! (little light bulb goes off.) Can you imagine how good Dad could make cheesy chicken crescents?"
Way to go Dad! Thank you for all your additional work this week! You are amazing!
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