Garden Attempts by Novices - Take 13
The last two days at the garden have been exciting ones! We planted our tomatoes yesterday and today we had our first harvest!
We planted 3 types of tomatoes: Champion, La Roma & Tumbling Toms. We did bigger plants because for the cost vs. time vs. how much we love tomatoes, it was a way better deal. We also did the whole 2 Liter water system thing, but used other plastic containers from our recycles. We also planted marigolds around our tomatoes, as we have been told the smell helps to ward off some types of tomato eating bugs.
Ezekiel was really good at planting the tomato plants and the marigolds. He did great! Jeremiah, once again, picked out some pretty flowers to plant in his flower bed at the front of our garden. Miriam, was actually on water duty with me and did awesome!
The boys then reaped the benefits of her carrying their water cans...
Above is Jeremiah watering our peas and below is Ezekiel watering the tomato plants and marigolds.
Oh, and this one is just because she looked so darn cute...
Today was exciting because we actually harvested some veggies! We pulled out some of our baby lettuce and pulled out some scallions (aka green onions).
Quick things I learned...
I just learned that scallions and green onions are the same thing. "Green onion" is just the Americanized name. Who knew!
The green onions I planted a while ago from tiny seeds are the same as what I pulled today. So I am going to let the other batch get tilled up. Actual onion seeds are to be spaced 6" apart and when you plant them you can put them 3" apart and then every other one to harvest early for green onions (aka scallions). Pretty cool huh?
I also learned that you can harvest lettuce early for yummy baby lettuce salads. Yummy!
The boys loved the harvest part of things and I think next to actually planting the seedlings, it is their new favorite thing about the garden!
Ezekiel again, at the age of 6,has proven to be the most helpful in the garden. Jeremiah and Miriam are having fun, but Ezekiel is really at a great age for the hard work side of things.
Our broccoli should be done by the end of this week or beginning of next week!!!
A Wagon!! I need a wagon or wheelbarrow or something when we plant. Hauling all the stuff the distance from the parking lot to our site is not fun. Yesterday though, you know what I did? Shhhh... I drove our car out to our site. Yup. I saw someone do that one day and I was driving Josh's RAV and thought, "what the hey?" The huge mower they use to mow the lawn does it, our RAV is smaller and only going to be there for a mi
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