The ramblings of a woman,
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It is not to say she does these things
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Garden Attempts by Novices - Take 16

June 14, 2007 - 5:48 PM

In exciting news...

Our peas are growing! 

Happy peas!

Our cabbage is getting oh so close!

Our onions are getting bigger and bigger!

Our broccoli plants are still producing little plants!

Our sunflowers are tough as nails! 

Happy sunflowers!

Our lettuce is producing a huge bounty!

Our pepper plants are starting to take firm root!

Our tomato plants are all producing some fruit, small, but fruit!

Our beans and edamame are growing strong and healthy!

Happy edamame!

In sadness...

Our zucchini plants are looking mighty sorry. I am trying to find out their beef but can't figure yet. There is some nutrient they are lacking. Online I found squat(sh, HA! I kill me!) and I am going to ask my local gardener what they think. My best guess what happened was too little water but I am not ruling out nutrients in the soil either.  If you have any thoughts please pass them my way!

Here is Leslie's beautiful plant...

Leslie's Happy Zuc!

Here is our sick plant...

Sick zuc!


In other exciting news!

Borrowed Wagon!

1. No, it's not ours.  Our fellow gardener, whom I will call Mrs. Moon, let us borrow her wagon for 15 minutes and boy-oh-boy was that sure the fastest we have ever watered our garden! I must find one of these things, especially as this garden keeps getting bigger and bigger.

2. How and when to use chemicals. Like I said, for our tomatoes I am using a calcium supplement and other things for bugs, etc. All in all, using anything but water with kids is not good. I have realized that I need once every week and a half to do some fertilizer, pest, mgmt without the kids. This is the tricky part but definitely helpful I have found.

3. Weeding through straw is not as hard as wood chips. I did wood chips in the kids garden earlier in May and I must say, weeding through straw is so much easier! Plus, weeding after being watered is way easier too! So far the straw is helping us stay more on top of our weeds.

4. I still don't know what to plant where our broccoli is/was. I may just leave it since our cabbage is still growing as big as an ottoman and may just use the space.  18" was definitely not enough space in there for these monster cabbages!

Response to Garden Attempts by Novices - Take 16

  • Alicia M said on June 15, 2007 - 12:00 PM

    Wow- I continue to be amazed by your successes. You are definitely giving me the motivation to try it on my own next summer. And look at those kids working so hard- way to go Zeke, Max, and Miriam!!

  • Leslie said on June 15, 2007 - 2:26 PM

    Hey! My new watering tool has become a rolling cooler!!! I only had to make two trips to the water spicket, to water everything, and I even filled up my two litter bottles in my tomatos! BTW.. I saw a nice orange tomato on your plant today, yaaa!!! Your kids look like they had a lot of fun with that wagan!

  • Dana said on June 15, 2007 - 3:26 PM

    Dude! We have a rolling cooler! We could use that? What a great idea! I am SO bringing it this afternoon!

  • Leslie said on June 15, 2007 - 3:43 PM

    DUDE!! It's a little heavy, but man it works like a charm, I just close the lid and the water stays in.. what was I thinking this entire time?? It even worked well going back to the car, taking stuff back :) yay for mutli use stuff :)

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