The ramblings of a woman,
wife, & mother, who loves:
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finding ways to love /
serve / sacrifice for others.

It is not to say she does these things
with style or grace, or even skill.

Being faithful with a sloth

May 4, 2009 - 12:00 AM

I remember being at one parenting conference where they spoke about how it is never too late to change you as a parent and to change what you are doing.  (Specifically, they referring to a better late than never mentality with being a better parent, but allow me to potificate...) I had one of those, slam on the brakes and turn 180 kind of moments today.

While others are the perfect parent with no sloth moments and are super parents, I am human parent.  Thankfully, the Holy Spirit does not allow me to stay in my sloth parent state for too long and second chances abound... especially in my frequent, lesser moments as a sloth.

Enter the day's sloth moment...

A child was d-o-n-e at the the garden and wanted to go home.  We were just finishing planting a few things and they needed to wait.  Their impatience grew, I was distracted and ignored their need for direction, and their nagging me to leave continued.  Without thinking, I quickly wrapped things up, feeling anxious inside, and then left... leaving plants tossled around and watering undone. 

We were driving away when I realized how I had erred in the situation.  Instead of taking a moment to lead my child, I was driven by distraction and the whine in their voice.  Thankfully, it was then that a little voice in my head reminded me, "if I am getting anxious, I am not doing my job."  I saw how I was reponding like a child and let something distract me from my job as a parent. 

It was then I put on the brakes and turned 180, literally.

Explaining the situation to the child, and asking forgiveness for my sloth parenting, I turned the car around and went back to the garden.  Now, with obedient and joyful attitudes (out of all 4 of us, because honestly, I was hot and tired too) we went back to the garden and the kids all watered our garden... and then watered our neighbor's.

One of the verses that goes around and around my head is "He who is faithful with little, is faithful with much" and I keep thinking, "be faithful with the little things."  This verse speaks volumes to me on so many levels, in so many facets of life... and it is ever so true in parenting.

Response to Being faithful with a sloth

  • Sarah said on May 4, 2009 - 9:51 AM

    Oh Dana! Thanks for sharing this experience. I humbly confess, I too, am a human parent. *blush* I can find myself in those moments of slothness and just want to completely ignore my real job in order get another job finished. But like you said, thankfully the Holy Spirit speaks to me and allows me second (and third, and fourth and fifth and...) chances to not only correct my spirit, but Julia's too. And what a difference it always makes!

  • Dana said on May 4, 2009 - 11:18 AM

    Amen Sister! :)!

  • Autumn said on May 4, 2009 - 3:20 PM

    Your humility and openness is encouraging as always!

  • Dana said on May 4, 2009 - 5:46 PM

    Thanks Autumn! Though, when I first read your comment I read it differently and then started to wonder if I have written on this topic before... then I figured I am pretty sure I have - Oh my! :)!

  • Lorin D said on May 4, 2009 - 9:45 PM

    Good for you! I'm impressed that you actually turned the car around. Super mom!

  • Dana said on May 4, 2009 - 10:05 PM

    I was just thankful I did it when I did, because had I waited a minute longer I probably would've gotten a ticket for an illegal U turn from the cop I then passed... HA! That would've been fun to explain! :)!

  • said on July 26, 2024 - 1:39 PM

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