The ramblings of a woman,
wife, & mother, who loves:
Jesus / my man / the three,
learning about parenting /
mamahood / childbirth,
cooking foods healthy /
international / yummy,
pretending to garden /
write / design,
attempting to run /
exercise / lift weights,
enjoying traveling /
camping / adventures,
finding ways to love /
serve / sacrifice for others.

It is not to say she does these things
with style or grace, or even skill.

Dear Ministry Support Team of Leah,

July 28, 2010 - 12:05 AM

If I could find a way, I would LOVE to send a letter to everyone who prayerfully and financially supports my sister Leah in Czech.  Because WOW, having seen it first hand, it is amazing to know how much my life has been multiplied simply by supporting hers!

Dear Ministry Support Team of Leah,

Ahoj!  For those who don't know me, I'm Dana, one of Leah's 2 younger sisters.  My husband Josh and our three kids just had the trip of a lifetime!  We were able to go and visit Leah in the Czech Republic and participate in the Strakonice English Camp.  Let me tell you, it was fabulous!

Like you, as a family we have supported Leah both prayerfully and financially in Czech since her beginning there, 10 years ago.  You all have met Leah so you know how great she is, her love, her enthusiasm, her youthfullness, her drive, her giving, her creativity, her compassion, her empathy, everything, she is a beautiful woman inside and out.  Supporting her in Czech doing high school ministry has always been the perfect fit for her. 

Leah's sports team, picture by Pavel B

Like you, over the years we've read all her stories about Czech through her emails and blogs.  She has written about the good times and the bad without hesitation and from her stories we/you could tell she was having a huge impact with those in her sphere of influence.

But having just been there, watching her live it out in person, all I can say is WOW!  It was as amazing as I thought it would be PLUS so much more!  Y/our prayers and financial support are truly being used to their fullest, nothing has been wasted or in vain, her stories are spot on, her impact has been and is eternal, and YOU have definitely multiplied your life through hers!

hand  gestures while singing, picture by Pavel B

dancing leah in lower middle, picture by Pavel B

And yes, she is more amazing in person than in print!  Yes, her youthful look DOES make her fit right in with high school kids.  Yes, her energy DOES help her keep moving when playing sports and dancing.  Yes, she DOES an amazing job teaching English and translating Czech.  Yes, her apartment is not her own and it is constantly open and available, whether she is there or not, to be used by clubs, studies, dinners, parties, etc, it is a safe place for so many young people.  Yes, she is serving the Lord in a place that is need of many more men and women just like her!

But it is more than that... We got to meet two Engligh teachers from the local schools and they are so supportive of Leah's work in the schools.  We met an older woman Leah visits at the nursing home and her young daughter happened to be there too, and you could see the appreciation in their eyes for Leah's love of them.  Then, one young guy at camp genuinely talked to me about how Leah is a main spiritual leader for them in that area of the country and how she gives so much wisdom to him and the others.  He was so grateful that he personally had Leah there in Czech to give him that spiritual wisdom.  And over and over young teenage girls were telling me how special Leah is in her love and support of them as young Christian women and encouraging them onto be leaders of other women.  Young lives are truly being changed for good!

leah translating for  jozef

My main point, is THANK YOU!  Thank you for all your love, prayers, notes of encouragement, packages, but especially your financial support of Leah in the Czech Republic.  She would not be able to have this amazing impact for Christ without all of you!



(And to those who read my blog here, in case you are interested, there is still a great need for more laborers like Leah in Czech & other Eastern European countries.  If you'd like more info on supporting nationals through Josiah Venture, the 2x3 Campaign can help you do that and much more, :)!) 

(Maybe this also means we can go on trips to visit all the other missionaries we support so I can write the same type of letters about them!!!  Hooray!!)


Response to Dear Ministry Support Team of Leah,

  • Maren said on July 28, 2010 - 1:26 PM

    So awesome. Praise God for all the work he is doing through such a beautiful and willing heart!

  • leah your sister leah said on July 29, 2010 - 4:47 AM

    Oh Danie, I stinkin cried when I read this...thank you. Thank you for your encouragement (I so need it sometimes!) and for COMING! Words can't express what that means to me! I love you :) Thank you too Maren and congratulations on your baby boy! :))

  • Dana said on July 29, 2010 - 8:44 AM

    Awww Leah, you are so great!!

  • said on August 27, 2024 - 12:52 PM

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